Paper Back Book “When Bees Enslave Ants”
Peace. My name is Zach Combs. In 2011 I wrote and self published a book called “Headspin, Headshots and History; Growing Up In Twin Cities Hip Hop”. It was a memoir of the last 20 years of the Minnesota hip hop scene. It was was my first attempt at writing. To challenge myself, I decided to write a novel. Since I grew up on comic books, I decided to turn it into a series. Issue One, is called ‘When Bees Enslave Ants’
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Ishmael M. “Ish the Stomach” Antar –
I came to the site hoping I could price check/shop for When Bees Enslave Ants & Headspin Headshot History (the 2nd edition)
I’ve read both and have each of Zach’s other self published written works. Well I’ve only read most of HHH. On my way to see Prof (With Atmosphere opening!) In Sioux Falls some years back. My homie Johnny (who gave me my rap name) told me he’d grab me a ticket if I’d stay sober and drive him and his girlfriend back up to Aberdeen after. In the back of his Pontiac Bonneville he had a copy of HHH. The 1st ed. On the ride down I got ⅓ to ¾’s through the book when I realized we had about 20 to 30 minutes to arrive in SF. So I jumped to the last chapter.
I gave my copy of that joint to the cat who introduced me to Kanser Music. He and I don’t talk no more so I dunno if he read it. But I have loved all three entries to the Hip Hop Superhero Psychedelic Science Fiction series. I’d recommend them to any lover of fiction looking to pick up a new short series. Short as serialized novels go; though I think there were enough strands that even though things felt fairly tidy by the end of 81SS, I for one would welcome another dive into those characters, their stories, and the progression of that Narrative; I think there is enough material to approach more stories from that work any number of ways.